Organization:  Comune di Camaiore
Realization date: 1st and 2nd november 2021
Event duration: 2 days
Location: Historical Center of Camaiore
To get information: County Police – Comune di Camaiore
Tel. 0584/986286 email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tourism and Sport Office - Comune di Camaiore
Tel. 0584 986312/204/211 - Fax 0584 986297 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In 1437 the castle of Camaiore was besieged and occupied by Florentine army.  For five years the community has been governed by the Firenze’s Town, which to ensure the favor of camaiore’s citizens was generous with concessions. The “Fiera di Ognissanti” too, also called Saints Simon and Judah was established by granting of the Florentine government, the 15th october 1441, as attests the council deliberation of the City of Camaiore "fiat bis mercatum in dicto comuni camaioris die Sancti Marci de mense aprilis et die Sanctorum Simonis et Jude de mense octobris." It is also confirmed by the historic Bianco Di Bianco in his chronicle, written in the early sixteenth century: "He allowed himself to be able to hold a free market from every duty for a period of 15 days, and two other trade fairs, free too them from the duties, one for the Fiera di Ognissanti and the other for S. Marco". In the following centuries the fair continued to be organized, with no particular interruptions and, nowadays, it can boast a well 574 years. Each year, nearly 400 exhibitors are present in the streets of the old town with the quality craftsmanship, the business sector, the food one, the wits activities and products for the houses.  Simultaneously, in the area of the Monumental Church of Badia, is staged the Agrozootecnica Fair, with horses and an exhibition of animals and products for the agriculture, articles for hunting and leisure. Many related events, among which the Mycological Exhibition organized by the group mycological of Camaiore “Giovanni Ghirlanda”.



Logo comune

Comune di Camaiore



Piazza S. Bernardino da Siena, 1
55041 Camaiore (LU)
Centralino: (+39) 05849861
Fax: 0584 986264
Numero Verde: 800 015689
P.IVA 00190560466
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Segnalazioni URP:
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Numeri Utili

Comune di Camaiore: 800 015689
Servizio Whatsapp Comune di Camaiore:
+39 328 9893221 - Iscriviti - Cancellati
Polizia Municipale: 0584 986700
Citelum Segnalazione Guasti - Pubblica Illuminazione e semafori: 800 978447
Gaia Segnalazione Guasti - Servizio Idrico:
800 234567
Numero Verde ERSU: 800 942540
Sitoweb: www.ersu.it
Segnalazioni Varchi Zona Traffico Limitato:
800 277332
Servizio RadioTaxi: 0584 986986                   Numero Anti Violenza e Stalking: 1522


Tourist information office Opening times
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