Camaiore’s local library is dedicated to the citizen Michele Rosi (1864-1934) a scholar of the Italian Risorgimento. It is located on the second floor of Tori Massoni Palace, accessible though the elevator which takes to the Via Francigena, on the south west part of Camaiore’s centre. The library belongs to the Historical Document Cultural Centre. It joins the Provinciale Library System, and it offers a information and cultural service on past and modern culture through documents of any kind: books, magazines, videos, cds, dvds, pictures which can be consulted on this website:
It assures to all the user the consultation of the online catalogue and the free access to all the owned materials, the domiciliary and library lending, the access to the web and to multimedia emplacements, to photocopiatures and the access to other informative services, in respect of the copyright laws.
The documentative heritage consists of 39000 books, 30 periodicals, 9 daily magazines, 1200 cds and dvds and a huge series of different pictures. In the local section are gathered the volumes regarding the city and the society in Camaiore, development to whom the library contribues with educational permanent initiatives and reading promotions, such as language courses, book presentations, the partecipation to “Nati per Leggere”, a project in collaboration with pediatrician in all Verslia, the important service “Informagiovani”.
There are some special funds, too: the antique music of Francesco Gasparini found, the Perlenghini fund, given by Clamide Arrosti’s wife ( a philospher from Genoa), the Revue des Deux Mondes fund, donated by G. Pigni Macchia, essential for those who want to study the 800s, the Saint Second Red Fund, with authographs from the Sicilian comedian.