CAI difficulty level: T= Tourists
Hiking distance: 9 Km
Duration 3 - 4 hours
Itinerary on paths and road
Starting height mt 140 (Valpromaro)
Maximum height mt 380 (Castello)

VALPROMARO, ancient town, known since Middle Ages and crossed by Francigena or Romea way, its name comes from the primary Valley, the first valley you meet when you go to Lucca. Today this town is divided by the border between Massarosa and Camaiore.  
S.MARTINO CHURCH, near this church in 1121 there was a place with the same name which gave hospitality to wayfarers and pilgrims. During the XIX century it has been considerably restored. In the rectory there is a functioning hostel for modern pilgrims.
FIBBIALLA CASTLE, ancient castle mentioned in 1121, built thanks to the will of Bishop of Lucca. What you can see of the whole fortified structure is the ruin of a tower tank, on a private property. There were ancient walls but today there are no more ruins.
FIBBIALLA VILLAGE, this is a very ancient village which was mentioned in 984. It was feud of Canonici of St. Martino until 1799. The original church, consecrated to Saint Peter and dated back the XII century, was modified and extended in the second half of the XIX century.

Download - GPX and KML tracks

Anello 15 Camaiore Antiqua
Anello 15 Camaiore Antiqua
The tracks are available by permission of Mr. Silvano Ticciati solely for the personal non-commercial use.


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Comune di Camaiore



Piazza S. Bernardino da Siena, 1
55041 Camaiore (LU)
Centralino: (+39) 05849861
Fax: 0584 986264
Numero Verde: 800 015689
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Polizia Municipale: 0584 986700
Citelum Segnalazione Guasti - Pubblica Illuminazione e semafori: 800 978447
Gaia Segnalazione Guasti - Servizio Idrico:
800 234567
Numero Verde ERSU: 800 942540
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Segnalazioni Varchi Zona Traffico Limitato:
800 277332
Servizio RadioTaxi: 0584 986986                   Numero Anti Violenza e Stalking: 1522


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